Yesilgöz plays hide and seek: Refuses to openly exclude PVV from government coalition

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

Yesilgöz plays hide and seek: Refuses to openly exclude PVV from government coalition

That Dilan Yesilgöz, the current party leader of the VVD, is preparing to pretend she has not noticed the turn of political times. After a devastating defeat in which the VVD was edged out by Wilders' PVV and PvdA/GL and relegated to third place, she does not yet know whether she will enter into talks with the election winner PVV.

"We are doing everything as it should be, step by step. Tomorrow first to the House Speaker and from there we will see," she told The Telegraph. Let me stop here... Who is she trying to fool here? U? Me? Himself perhaps?

"I don't see how Geert is going to form the majority," she repeated. However, let's not forget that it is precisely Wilders who has won the most seats with his party. Now it seems she wants to take the lead and explain it to everyone. But doesn't she know that the initiative lies with Wilders? Who are back there in their ivory towers laughing? She admits that the election results are "a disappointment" for the VVD. Gee, you think so? With a third-place finish reminiscent of Willem II's dismal descent into soccer, I can well imagine.

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Still, she remains vague about a possible first meeting with Wilders. The VVD faction comes first, she says. A children's game of "who blinks first" perhaps? Come on Dilan, it's time to stop the political play and just say what you really think. The voters deserve that. The PVV deserves that. We are all in the same boat, so let's just face the facts! Don't treat us like a child. Take us seriously as voters.

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