Wybren van Haga: 'The fall of this cabinet is a victory for the Netherlands'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Wybren van Haga: 'The fall of this cabinet is a victory for the Netherlands'

BVNL Member of Parliament Wybren van Haga considers the fall of the disaster Cabinet Rutte IV a "victory for the Netherlands." Because, he says, this cabinet "plunges the Netherlands from one crisis into another crisis." The only negative comment he has about the fall itself is that it should have happened much earlier.

Earlier tonight it was announced that the Rutte IV government - one of the worst, most hated Dutch cabinets ever (only the regime during World War II is comparable in terms of negative ratings) - has finally fallen. It took quite a while, but it's finally here. Fest.

FVD leader Thierry Baudet already reacted to this with particular delight. But, he also said, Dutch people must now be fierce and in action come. Because Mark Rutte is acting as if he suddenly wants "solutions" to immigration, but in fact, of course, that is nonsense. The man has deliberately left the borders wide open for years. That he is just a little less extreme than the Christian Union does not make him immigration-critical.

BVNL has a similar reaction to the fall of the cabinet. Party leader Wybren van Haga calls the fall "a victory for the Netherlands." This because Rutte IV "plunges the Netherlands from one crisis into another."

To that, Van Haga immediately goes into campaign mode by making clear to voters what BVNL stands for in its own right.

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"Brussels dictates, such as the nitrogen dossier, go straight into the trash can," van Haga said. "We are tackling the asylum crisis with an asylum freeze, cancellation of the refugee treaty and reception in the region. We boost housing construction, ensure lower taxes, an affordable energy bill in an energy-sovereign Netherlands and we fight for a Netherlands where our young people have a future and our seniors a dignified old age with a good pension."

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BVNL Wybren van Haga

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