Wybren van Haga (BVNL) files motion of no confidence in minister Kuipers

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

Wybren van Haga (BVNL) files motion of no confidence in minister Kuipers

During today's OVV debate, BVNL Member of Parliament Wybren van Haga filed a no-confidence motion against Health Minister Kuipers. Van Haga accuses the minister of deliberately breaking the law by keeping crucial information about the corona crisis secret. This behavior, according to Van Haga, deliberately undermines democracy and the rule of law, justifying the no-confidence motion.

The deliberate vote of no confidence stems from BVNL's ongoing efforts to gain access to the preserved "OMT tapes" (Consultation Committee Ministerial Task Force COVID-19). BVNL has now filed a lawsuit to make these tapes public, believing that the public has a right to the information found on them. The question arises: what is on them that we should not hear?

To cover the costs of this lawsuit, Wybren van Haga's party has launched a crowdfunding campaign. This move highlights BVNL's determination to uncover the truth and enforce accountability. The public is encouraged to contribute to fund this legal battle.

It is imperative that transparency and openness prevail, especially when dealing with issues that have such an impact on society as the corona crisis. The minister's actions and withholding of information raises questions about the integrity and accountability of the government.

The filing of the no-confidence motion against Minister Kuipers marks an important moment in the debate over the handling of information and compliance with the law. It is now up to the other House members to take a position and decide whether or not to maintain confidence in the minister.

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The outcome of this debate and the possible vote on the no-confidence motion will determine the credibility and legitimacy of policies related to the corona crisis. It is essential that the public can trust in the integrity and openness of those responsible for making crucial decisions that affect us all.

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