[Video] Wybren van Haga destroys whole corona policy: 'Mass vaccination was based on lies'

| by Michael van der Galien

Wybren van Haga, foreman of BVNL, delivered an impassioned, fierce speech against the foundations of that insane policy during the debate on "the retrospective corona policy"; a policy that has done more damage to the Netherlands than it has prevented.

Van Haga, as a breakaway speaker, was given only three minutes to speak about this. But fortunately, there was a VVD MP - Judith Tielen - who thought to call him to order via an interjection. Fortunately? Yes. Because that, of course, gave Van Haga time to respond. So in fact he got extra speaking time.

He used that time to totally trash the entire corona policy. "Indeed, I have been fighting for three years against the dystopian psychosis that has taken place," Van Haga said, "during which we have had all sorts of measures thrown around our ears. For completeness, he then "briefly listed them."

"The mass vaccination [of the population] was based on lies and led to a total disillusionment of the people," Van Haga said. "The mouth caps ... There was no scientific basis whatsoever for those mouth caps. And yet the cabinet decided to put in place a requirement for mouth caps."

"Next, the school closures. There was no reason for those school closures. We did something criminal by closing the schools. Children are going to be affected by this for years to come," the MP rightly continued.

"The curfew, there is no evaluation of it, there was beforehand that we were going to lock ourselves up without reason, without effect. The collateral damage ... I spent three years talking my tongue on my shoes here about the collateral damage, that collateral damage was not included" in the so-called "investigation" into the corona policy.

So the OVV itself says in amazement at this that there is actually no evaluation taking place. Not even now, even after we have supposedly finally "come out of that psychosis."

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When Van Haga said this like this, Tielen merely shook her head a little, to indicate that she did not agree with him. Because despite all the evidence that makes it clear that the corona policy was abysmal, the VVD still stands by it. Why? Because it was Rutte's policy. And criticism of Rutte is banned at the VVD.

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