Video! Renske Leijten (SP): 'Do you know what I'm thinking? The AIVD has nothing to do with that!'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Video! Renske Leijten (SP): 'Do you know what I'm thinking? The AIVD has nothing to do with that!'

SP MP Renske Leijten has wiped the floor with the AIVD and Minister Hanke Bruins Slot in a fantastic way. Because in a debate about the AVID's reckless witch hunt of people who think "there is an evil elite in power" in the Netherlands, Leijten said very clearly that the AIVD has absolutely nothing to do with what people think. It's about what people do. Point.

Recently, a deadly Big Brother report came out from the AIVD. This report is almost certainly going to be used to ban FVD either to hurt the party financially and/or censor it on social media. Indeed, the report declares that people who take systemic opposition are dangerous are. You are no longer allowed to think that the supercilious pursue evil goals. You may now only think that the elite are made up of blunderers; of people who have our best interests at heart, but who are so gullible that they keep failing to achieve those great goals.

In a committee debate in the House of Representatives, SP Member of Parliament Renske Leijten fantastically wiped the floor wiped the floor with the principles of this report.

Whatever ideas a person may have, Leijten said, "it is not up to the secret service to label them as dangerous to the state. As much as I do not believe that there is an elite whose plan is to oppress, enslave or kill people, and just recently a lot of cases have come to the surface..." in which oppression did exist.

Leijten went on to say that the AIVD's response to this, that there might be 200,000 people who are "the enemy" "and that's because of criticism of the government," is dead wrong. "If you start warning people about 'a group in the population' that is critical of the government, then people very quickly think, 'ah, those groups do know.' That may not be the intention, but that's the effect.'"

That last point is, of course, somewhat naive. It emphatically does intend to put "those groups" in that corner.



Bruins Slots responded by ... well, by repeating that she finds it very dangerous what people think. But Leijten had an answer to that, too.

"Specific attention is drawn to people thinking something. Thinking is free in our society," Leijten continued. "Doing can cross the boundaries and then you have the rule of law intervening [...]. Do you know what all I think? The AIVD has no business with that at all. You don't, you don't. No but really. It's about what I do!"

Leijten went on to explain that the AIVD is very clearly taking a position of polarizer by doing this ... this while the service should be neutral and not encourage polarization in society.

Incredibly, Bruins Slot's response to this was that she does care what people think. If people think there is an evil elite that deliberately commits murders or pursues evil goals, then she does think that is a problem.

Note, not if people do anything with it. So not if they take action. No, it is a problem, it is a danger if they think that. People who think that way should be fought.

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To that, Leijten explained that there are people who think Ajax is the best club in the Netherlands, and that there are morons who think otherwise. But that those people are free. "Suppose you believe something that others say doesn't exist. You are allowed to believe that. Where the limit is when you start acting. We see that there is a report by the AIVD that says that people might act if they criticize the government.... That's how it's seen. Then I think: then you are actor in polarization."

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