[Video] FVD'er Van Meijeren tackles minister: 'Adult men not allowed to play sports with girls and use their showers'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Gideon van Meijeren today put considerable pressure on Minister Conny Helder. The VVD minister thinks it is not important to protect girls from biological men who say they feel like women and therefore want to play sports with girls and use their dressing rooms. Van Meijeren thinks this is unacceptable and came down hard on her.

To begin, Van Meijeren said it is important that people be treated with respect. That includes transgender people. But, he said, it is of course nonsensical that the whole world should adapt because of a few people with mental disorders.

Bright responded that she was distancing herself from that. Because oh boys anyway, what a terrible comment she thought that was!

Hilariously, Van Meijeren had his psychological knowledge at the ready. Indeed, he immediately explained that the entire psychiatric profession calls transgenderism a mental disorder. It is an officially recognized mental illness in psychiatry. "I keep stressing that that should never be a reason to treat people incorrectly," Van Meijeren said. But, he continued, we must simply dare to state the facts.

Regarding sports, Helder believes that "everyone" should be able to have the right to play sports the way they want. In principle, Van Meijeren agrees. But the problem here is that two interests collide. Namely, the interests of biological men with mental disorders who want to play sports with girls and use their showers versus normal girls who don't want to be bothered by those men, and who want to be able to shower nicely in a man-free locker room - and who also want to compete for medals among themselves as girls. And thus not against biological men who have biological advantages that make it nearly impossible for the girls to win any more competitions.

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Van Meijeren therefore concluded that the minister - and with her, therefore, the entire coalition - is simply "letting girls down the drain." For Helder is fine with sports organizations deciding for themselves what to do with this problem - and more and more clubs are choosing to let the "mentally disturbed men" in question have their way.

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