[Video] Christian Democrat minister defends discrimination against white Dutch people

| by Michael van der Galien

A few days ago, Martin Bosma (PVV) entered into a debate with Minister Hanke Bruins-Slot of the CDA. Their clash produced interesting images. Because Bosma was upset that Bruins-Slot was actually advocating discrimination against white Dutch people in favor of other "races" (a term she herself used).

Bruins-Slot told the committee debate in her input that it is important for the government to help disadvantaged groups get ahead. They want to do that by favoring people from those groups. For example, if a job becomes available somewhere, preference is given to a dark-skinned Dutch person or a woman. They look at sex and, the CDA member said, race.

And Bosma found that particularly objectionable. "The word race has been dropped, and that is really something that needs to be marked. It's not about origin, it's not about migration background, it's not about natives [and] immigrants. Preferential policies are about race. And that's downright shocking," reacted to Bruins Slot's statements.

Who defended herself by arguing that this is simply the legal term. She is talking about "cultural minority groups," but the law calls it "race." And so she uses that term in the debate.

But Bosma was not satisfied with that. "The cold shivers run down my spine," said the PVV'er. In doing so, he also wondered whether the policy was not based on totally false assumptions. "Are people of a certain race systematically disadvantaged in the Netherlands?" he asked, for example. "I think that's quite a lot."

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Remarkably, the minister bases the disadvantage of whites on the Equal Treatment Act. An Equal Treatment Act thus allows the minister to treat white Dutch people fewer than Dutch people of color.

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