A remarkable tweet by Pepijn van Houwelingen, Member of Parliament for Forum for Democracy (FVD), recently sparked the dormant debate surrounding the Netherlands' involvement in international organizations. After all, he says, shouldn't the Netherlands simply leave "globalist organizations" such as the UN and NATO?
In America, there is some regular debate about that country's membership in such organizations as the United Nations and NATO. The mainstream is that the advantages of membership outweigh the disadvantages, but it is being discussed and debated. Conservatives and libertarians in particular argue with some regularity that they should actually get out, if only to prevent America from getting involved in other countries' problems; problems that are not its own.
Van Houwelingen wants this debate to be held in the Netherlands as well. Indeed, FVD not only wants a debate on this, but wants to end membership in certain organizations as soon as possible already.
"As far as Forum for Democracy is concerned, the Netherlands is leaving the EU, NATO and WHO as soon as possible," the FVD'er said. "These globalist organizations are TOTALLY corrupted and do NOT serve the Dutch interest." That is why Van Houwelingen and FVD want the Netherlands to regulate these issues - health, legislation, defense - itself, and not leave it to supranational organizations over which ordinary citizens have little to no influence.
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There are some parties, like the PVV, for example, that are also thinking about a Nexit, but as for the other organizations, you hear nothing or little from them. The mainstream thought is that the Netherlands is a member of those organizations and that's all there is to it. But Van Houwelingen does not think that is a conclusive logic at all.
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