The Great Switching Trick! FVD swaps Freek Jansen for Pepijn van Houwelingen: 'The corona committee is coming'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Forum for Democracy appears, for the umpteenth time, to be a movement of, for and by friends and like-minded people, rather than a cold political party of ambitious psychopaths who will kill over corpses - which is unfortunately the case with the other parties. Indeed, MP Freek Jansen has agreed with Pepijn van Houwelingen that he, Jansen, will be out of the Chamber for a while until the summer. The reason? Van Houwelingen will then replace him and can then take a seat in the parliamentary inquiry corona. Incredibly clever.

The FVD'ers announced this news last night at Forum Inside, FVD's Internet TV show. The explanation is that Van Houwelingen specializes in corona - and the way the Rutte administration handled it. If Van Houwelingen now takes a seat in the Chamber for six months, he can help prepare the parliamentary inquiry corona. Then he can leave the Chamber again, knowing that the preparations are such that cabinet members and others who have done egregious things can and will be held accountable for them.

For Jansen, the switch is anything but a punishment. "What many people don't know," Baudet said, "is that Freek always does a lot of work behind the scenes." For example, he helps ánother MPs do research and is an important link in the FVD organization.

"He will continue that work in the coming period," Baudet said, but with a focus on the organizing part of FVD. For example, FVD has an app that can be downloaded by FVDers. Then, if they want anything - from eating out to fixing their bike to renting a car and so on - they can type in what they need and lo and behold, then they see all kinds of choices from companies that are FVDers like them.

This is just one of the projects Jansen has been working on and which the party plans to develop much more in the next six months. Jansen needs to turn the FVD constituency even more into an alternative column; a column of people who can do all of life together.

You don't often see this kind of temporary change in politics. Yes, sometimes MPs drop out temporarily because of illness or pregnancy. But FVD really does it for strategic and politically substantive reasons. The parliamentary inquiry corona is Van Houwelingen's thing. Jansen is very important in the organization. And so the party applies this temporary switch - just as they do in, say, the NBA (for sports fans).

(Article continues below this call) At DDS, we hold up a mirror to the party cartel every day. We do not accept them dragging our country in a direction that is unacceptable - and we demand that those responsible for mismanagement be held accountable for it. Are you supporting us in this? Then donate to DDS via BackMe and help us take these lunatics to task.

Smart! Because this way the strongest man is on the right subject at the right time in the place where he is most useful.

In this way, 2024 promises to be a very interesting year. We always hear that things are very bad, but that is dééls bullshit. Our side - we on the right - are really preparing ourselves and our country for a very good time. FVD is leading the way in that.

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