Sylvana Simons takes fierce stand against Mark Rutte despite his announcement to leave politics

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Sylvana Simons takes fierce stand against Mark Rutte despite his announcement to leave politics

In a harsh direct statement, Sylvana Simons, party leader of BIJ1, expressed her displeasure with former prime minister and VVD list leader Mark Rutte, who recently announced he is no longer in the running for these positions. While many of her colleagues from other parties expressed praise for the retiring politician, Simons went directly on the attack.

In a tone that suggests she sees Rutte as some kind of political psychopath, Simons emphasized the contrast between personal charm and potentially destructive policies. "Binary thinking makes people not understand that 'nice assholes' exist," she said. "Rapists who are nice to their mothers. Murderers who love animals. And jovial politicians who make heartless policies. What does it matter if you are amiable if you destroy lives!!!"

This stance highlights a central criticism Simons and her party BIJ1 have made throughout Rutte's tenure, namely that policies have more impact than personality. Simons suggests that Rutte's charisma and charm - traits often cited by his supporters - do not compensate for what she sees as policies that harm vulnerable citizens.

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It is not uncommon for politicians to be more lenient toward colleagues about to leave the arena out of respect for their service and contributions, regardless of political differences. Simons' comments are therefore striking in their vehemence and refusal to go along with this habit.

Rutte, who has been prime minister of the Netherlands for nearly a decade, has not yet responded to Simons' comments. Despite polarizing opinions about his tenure, one thing is clear: His impact on Dutch politics will be felt long after his departure.... First and foremost, of course, in a negative sense.

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