Sylvana Simons has new energy after 'drag-night': "Was really what I needed"

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Sylvana Simons has new energy after 'drag-night': "Was really what I needed"

Sylvana Simons attended an untraditional party Friday night. Namely, she went to a so-called "drag-night." That is - apparently - a party by, for and by "drag queens." It made Simons feel full of good energy again.

"Drag-queens" are men who dress as a caricature of a woman. Or rather, of a female strip star or some other kind of lady of light. They wear pounds of makeup, wear so-called sexy dresses (or proper very long ball gowns), extremely high heels (by the way: respect that they can walk in those), and act quasi-feminine.

While there are those who find drag-queens a cheap caricature of real women, there are also those who actually think drag is great fun. Sylvana Simons is apparently one of the latter people. Indeed, she let know on Twitter that she went to a drag party on Friday and had a great time.

"I wonderfully immersed myself in drag energy last night during SuperBall at Paradiso," Simons said. "And it was really what I needed."

"[I] felt so safe and welcome among so much courage, creativity and authenticity," she continues about drag-queens who a) dress in feminine ways while being men and b) who, according to critics, actually caricature femininity at a party where it's all about them and therefore doesn't require that much courage.

In response to this news, there are those who question whether Sylvana represents them. One white woman, for example, feels that she does not. The reaction to such concerns from Sylvana is that the woman in question, Joke, should discuss this with a professional.

Sylvana Simons has new energy after 'drag-night': "Was really what I needed"

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Other white women who criticize drag parties and Sylvana's views in general are also dismissed in this way by Simons. But there are also a few comments people who agree with Simons and who themselves attended the drag party. "You looked beautiful!" says one of them to the BIJ1 leader.

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LGBTQ Sylvana Simons BIJ1

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