Sometimes nightmares become reality: Frans Timmermans thinks of comeback in the Netherlands

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Sometimes nightmares become reality: Frans Timmermans thinks of comeback in the Netherlands

A rumor haunts Europe and it is not about political reform or international trade. On the contrary, it revolves around the possible return of Frans Timmermans to the Dutch political scene. His term as European Commissioner expires in 2024, and there is speculation that he is considering emerging as a prime ministerial candidate from the joint list of PvdA/GroenLinks in the Netherlands. This news has not been received without controversy.

For some, the timing corresponds almost perfectly with the Dutch elections, which will take place at the earliest this November. Moreover, as the formation period follows, Timmermans could come in at the right time, as he could be temporarily replaced in Brussels. But for part of the Dutch people, this news is downright a nightmare.

The reasons for these harsh words vary, but they often boil down to Timmermans' perceived political path . Some critics believe that Timmermans, like his predecessor Mark Rutte, faces some controversy. While Rutte was often criticized as an opportunist and accused of falsehoods, Timmermans is seen in some circles as equally problematic, if not more so.

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The biggest concern for critics is Timmermans' perceived willingness to make sweeping economic changes in the name of environmental protection. Many fear he would be willing to sacrifice the Dutch economy in the face of nitrogen and climate concerns.

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