Secretary of State promises fair compensation for Groningers who incurred costs for reinforcement measures themselves

Secretary of State promises fair compensation for Groningers who incurred costs for reinforcement measures themselves

State Minister of Mines Hans Vijlbrief has acknowledged that he has underestimated how many Groningers have had to bear financial burdens themselves in order to reinforce or rebuild their homes. He has promised to look at all individual situations and to compensate people if they have spent their own spent money on reinforcement measures. This acknowledgement follows a request from the House of Representatives to map how much people have spent their own invested in making their homes earthquake-resistant as a result of the years of gas extraction in Groningen.

Initially Vijlbrief concluded after an initial survey that the number of cases in which people had borne the costs themselves was very limited. However, after urging by MPs Sandra Beckerman (SP) and Henk Nijboer (PvdA), the the state secretary looked at the issue again and acknowledged that his first assessment was incorrect. He has admitted that many more people than initially thought had to make their own financial sacrifices.

In order to aggrieved, Vijlbrief announced that he will take additional measures. He will go the extra mile to assess the situations of the affected Groningers and ensure appropriate compensation. In addition, he has decided to open a hotline where people can can go to with their situations in which they themselves have incurred costs for reinforcement measures.

It is critical that the government ensure ensures that promises made are kept and that Groningers who have incurred costs of their own incurred are treated fairly and compensated adequately for their financial efforts. However, given the complexity of the process surrounding the situation in Groningen, there is concern that this could once again end up in a huge mess.

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Energy Groningen

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