Remarkable results in EenVandaag poll: VVD again at the top, is BBB losing momentum?

| by Mark Jongeneel

In a remarkable turn of events in the EenVandaag poll, the VVD once again emerged as the largest party, while the BoerBurger Movement (BBB) lost five seats. This shift has caused some surprise and raises questions about voters' motives.

On Tuesday, BBB still won the most votes in the elections for the Senate, which seemed to indicate that the party enjoys considerable support among the electorate. However, in the recent seat poll for the Lower House, they lost the lead. It is precisely the VVD and the PVV that are benefiting from this. This development sheds new light on the political preferences of the Dutch people.

The conclusion drawn by EenVandaag in this poll, however, provokes surprise. It is suggested that BBB would be too concerned with farmers and not enough concerned with asylum. The conclusion drawn by EenVandaag shows once again how biased this opinion panel is. The VVD has not put a dent in the packet of butter called asylum since 2012. This poll is colored heartily VVD orange. So stop taking this poll seriously.

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Green Left MEP Bas Eickhout's comment about the VVD being a bullish player on the asylum file causes some derision. He seems to be suggesting that it is common practice to blame refugees for everything that goes wrong in the Netherlands and then gain seats. This unworldly remark leaves us with a questioning look.

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