After the recent 2023 parliamentary elections, the results seem to at first glance do not show much change. However, upon closer inspection, there is clearly movement among voters. Only 72% of respondents say they support the same party as they did three months ago during the PS2023 elections.
Immediately after the election, the BoerBurger Movement (BBB) experienced a temporary surge in popularity, often known as the "bandwagon effect." However, the party now appears to be back to the level of the March 15 election. Nevertheless, BBB still remains 9 seats larger than the VVD, which is remarkable given the traditional dominance of the VVD in Dutch politics.

The Party for Freedom (PVV) manages to make up some of its loss make up for it, while newcomers such as Volt and the Party for the Animals (PvdD) are also doing well in the polls. In fact, the CDA now finds itself in a position where it is smaller than Volt, indicating that major shifts taking place within the political landscape. The Christian Union, long seen as a stable factor, is now at just 4 seats.
The second part of Maurice de Hond's survey focuses on possible government combinations and the growing challenges associated with them. associated with them. In particular, voters of the VVD prefer government participation without parties such as D66 and GroenLinks/PvdA. This creates an ever-growing Gordian Knot for political leaders. This situation constitutes a significant obstacle to effective governance and can further undermine the trust of citizens' trust in politics further undermined.

To form a government coalition that can count on a majority in parliament, political parties will have to compromise and build bridges between their different ideologies and policy priorities. Finding a balance between diverse interests will be of crucial to forming a stable and effective government.
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