Pieter Omtzigt makes shocking discovery: cabinet wants to levy 26 tax on a carton of milk

| by Benjamin Huizen

In a surprise revelation, Pieter Omtzigt, member of the House of Representatives, posted a series of tweets announcing that the government was planning to introduce a tax of 26 cents on a carton of milk. This plan, intended to support the agriculture agreement, emerged from documents Omtzigt researched.

According to Omtzigt, there is an annex, called 1B, to the agriculture agreement that was drafted by the government, and not by the agriculture sector itself. A footnote of this annex explains how the government plans to cover the costs of the agriculture agreement.

But the planned tax on milk is just the tip of the iceberg. Omtzigt claims that the government itself is now proposing tax increases on various products, including dairy products, meat, crop protection products and fertilizers. These plans are seemingly included in a footnote, while inflation, according to Omtzigt, is "towering" and the cost of groceries is very high.

Omtzigt's revelation sheds light on the possible reason why he never saw the government's commitment to the agriculture agreement in the House of Representatives before. "Now I begin to understand why I have never seen the government's commitment to the agricultural agreement in the Lower House," writes Omtzigt. A debate on the issue is scheduled for next Thursday.

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The possible tax increases hidden in the footnotes of the agricultural agreement are potentially a source of great controversy, especially given the current economic situation. The news will undoubtedly lead to intense debate and discussion in the coming days. Unfortunately, the coalition parties will almost certainly reach out to each other - even as ordinary Dutch people are shocked by this news.

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