Party! Racism advocate Sylvana Simons throws in the towel

| by Michael van der Galien

It is currently raining announcements of politicians quitting. It started with Mark Rutte, who announced that he no longer wanted to be the VVD's list leader in the 2023 elections to the House of Representatives. But after that a lot of names were added. Tonight, Sylvana Simons (BIJ1) also announced that she is throwing in the towel.

For the Netherlands, today is an incredibly beautiful day. After all, Dutch hater and professional racer Sylvana Simons is quitting. Yes, you read that correctly. The woman whom critics also call the racist hate witch of the Netherlands is leaving politics. She is going to do something else. Spend more time with her family. Or something like that.

The reason Ms. quit? Well, her lack of leadership qualities. In Amsterdam, BIJ1 city council members quit the party because they felt it was "unsafe." An unpleasant work atmosphere. Simons would not have intervened.

Sylvana is now saying that she thinks that is very bad, and especially very unjust, about those upstarts, but that they are now making sure that she cannot stay put.

"I have to guard against untrue frames," she says hilariously. "I can do that, but I don't want to anymore."

Joh. Well, how does that actually fall, Syl, that you have to defend yourself against untrue frames? You know, those frames you keep using about Dutch culture, Dutch history, and the Dutch people.... not to mention the frames you deploy against right-wing parties?

(The article continues below this call) Sylvana quits! YES! But wait! That doesn't mean we can rest on our laurels. The November 22 Lower House elections will be the most important elections of our lives. It's up to us now to expose and defeat the Deugers, the Wokers, the Climate Drammers, and the Racists in politics and the media once and for all. DDS is committed to that. But we need your help. Donate now to DDS, via BackMe, and help us win this battle!

Simons also says she suffers from "health issues" (she allegedly has lung covid), and that this also contributed to her decision. Of course that's utter nonsense. What matters is that first reason: it's a rancid, toxic mess over there at BIJ1.

As always, the revolution devours its own children. Hate clubs like BIJ1 can't help but blow themselves up; leaders like Simons can't last long. For that it is too toxic, too hateful, and too nauseating at these kinds of clubs.

By the way, Simons will undoubtedly go to work at Broadcasting Black. After all, she is a former presenter.... And such a broadcaster has some nice money to spend.

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