Outraged Thierry Baudet announces: Parliament decides to shelve parliamentary inquiry corona

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Outraged Thierry Baudet announces: Parliament decides to shelve parliamentary inquiry corona

For ages, the House of Representatives was supposedly preparing to conduct a parliamentary inquiry into the corona measures. But today, Thierry Baudet comes with disturbing news. Namely, the coalition (and friends) have decided to shelve that parliamentary tasty.

Baudet made this news announced on Instagram. This right after the "Chamber" decided to put off this parliamentary inquiry as far as possible.

"The House of Representatives was going to hold a parliamentary into what happened there now," Baudet said. "The lockdowns of which there were already reports ready that they would cost much more - also life years, also health costs - than they would prevent. The vaccinations, all the risks kept under wraps." And so on. "The censorship on social media," the mouth caps that were known not to work, the pcr test that was known not to be reliable, the pushing out of the debate of critical voices."

In short, there would be a major investigation into "everything they did to us," including "letting sick elderly people die on their own,"

But that's not going to happen. For now, at least. "The House decided today to shelve that parliamentary inquiry," Baudet continued.

Then the FVD leader comes up with an important question. "How much more do you want to hear or see to understand what they are doing here today? They are making a law to start banning parliamentary opposition, parliamentary parties. They want more censorship on social media. Unheard Holland has to go off the tube.... And so now parliamentary to the scandalous, I would almost say criminal, policies during that corona period [...] so they don't want any more."

"The parliamentary inquiry is being shelved. This is outrageous."

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Finally, Baudet calls on every viewer who supports FVD in this tojoin the party. Because, he says, only in this way can FVD make a fist ánd can the party make it as difficult as possible for mainstream parties to ban it.

Read more about:
Corona FVD Thierry Baudet

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