Outrage over VVD's decision: Yesilgöz makes a moat of election results

| by Mark Jongeneel

Schande! VVD leader Dilan Yesilgöz is making an outright moat of the democratic election results. As if it were the most natural thing in the world, she announces that her club no longer wants to hold the reins of power, notwithstanding the possibility of forming a solid right-wing cabinet. The madness! Wilders and van der Plas are right not to like this sabotage of the VVD.

"It's her choice. But I don't think it's what the Dutch want. Of course the Netherlands is waiting for a center-right cabinet." said a disappointed Geert Wilders to the Telegraaf. It is telling that Yesilgöz does not even want to enter into talks yet. The VVD slams the door shut even before proper negotiations have taken place. Where is the backbone? But hey, let's remain optimistic. The VVD has proven before that their steadiness of direction is of Chernobyl quality.

Caroline van der Plas of BBB articulates the people's resentment perhaps even better: "I think it's about the people and the voters wanting something," she says. "I think it's weird. Holland wants us to sit together. A losing party can belong there too."

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It is obvious: the VVD has washed its hands of the issue and run for responsibility. It is as if it is afraid of the people and their wishes. What a denial of democracy! The losing party also belongs in the formation, provided they can serve the program points in the interest of the Netherlands. The VVD seems to have completely lost sight of that and spits on the election results. The VVD does not seem to want to learn lessons from the election results of November 22. The Netherlands deserves better.

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