Movie! Martin Bosma criticizes woke misery in the civil service

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

In a splashy speech during the committee debate on the functioning of the Civil Service, PVV's Martin Bosma expressed his concern about the dominance of left-liberal policies and the rise of woke misery within government agencies. With sharp arguments and a touch of humor, Bosma turned the spotlight on the problems he sees in the civil service.

According to Bosma, the situation in the Department of Public Works is so bad that its functioning is in question. He points to the fact that the Department of Public Works prioritizes diversity over punctuality, compromising essential tasks. The prevalence of woke-ness and political correctness within the Civil Service is a source of concern for Bosma.

During the committee debate, Bosma reveals that civil servants in Amsterdam are allowed to spend as much as 10 percent of their working time on climate activism. While people are waiting in line for a new passport, these officials are busy saving the world. Bosma expresses his surprise at this state of affairs and emphasizes the need to focus on the core tasks of the civil service.

Of course, Stephan van Baarle of DENK could not resist stepping into the victim role and bringing up institutional racism within government services. Bosma responded to this in his own unique way, stating that he does not wish to be addressed as a "white man," but as "white. He criticizes the use of "white man" as a racist term and blames institutional racism on left-liberal policies, not white people.

Renske Leijten of the SP accuses Bosma of hypocrisy and claims that he judges people based on their skin color. Here the SP completely misses the point. The PVV has never judged people on the color of their skin, but rather points out the danger of diversity policies that, according to Bosma, can lead to anti-white racism.

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Martin Bosma's spokesperson during this committee debate highlighted the concerns surrounding wokeness and political correctness within the Civil Service. With sharp arguments and a clear stance, Bosma sparked discussion about the impact of these policies on the efficiency and effectiveness of government agencies.

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Woke PVV Martin Bosma

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