-Michel Mulder- An open letter to Ernst Kuipers

-Michel Mulder- An open letter to Ernst Kuipers

Lord Kuipers,

A refusal that undermines the functioning of the democratic rule of law, that is what I as a Dutchman, and therefore your employer, can conclude from this article:

You, as an accountable employee of the Dutch people, are not entitled to any refusal at all, if the revelation of what you refuse to share serves the common national interest, and that of the Dutch people.

Refusals like this from political The Hague are divisive forces in Dutch society because they continue to fuel mutually differing opinions, keeping Dutch people intolerant of each other at the hands of political The Hague.

'People's representatives' in box K talk about protecting the democratic rule of law, and dismiss anyone who does not share the views of political The Hague as extreme right-wing conspiracy theorists, but refuse to see for themselves that refusal to reveal corona policy, among other things, not only feeds these 'conspiracy theories', but explosively increases the number of moneyvers in them.

You, dear Mr. Kuipers, have been transformed in no time from - according to opinion - respectable doctor to encapsulated lying member of the corrupt Rutte IV cabinet, and it is a transformation that does you no credit.

The deleted text messages, the blacklisted wob/woo requests, the declaration of many visible cesspools as state secrets, these are all issues that have been prioritized in Rutte IV, and in which you are now an active participant.

It is probably the opinion of political The Hague that the majority of the Dutch people are too uneducated - call it retarded - to see the underlying reason for these - and many refusals - but we just have you razor-sharp.

People have died because of this policy. Families, families and friendships have been torn apart by these policies. Individuals and entire business sectors have gone bankrupt because of these policies, and entire populations have been deliberately set against each other because of these policies. And so the Dutch people have a right to know what was behind this policy, and all the decisions that were made behind the scenes to maintain this policy.

Nothing, absolutely nothing about the conducted corona policy, the discussions of the OMT and related matters must be allowed to come out, because the entire political world knows that then - to put it in his slang - massive pleurisy will break out, because then it will become clear that we have been duped en masse from day 1 by politics, the MSM and persons like Koopmans, Osterhaus and van Dissel.

And so now we continue to play this "game" that politicians are keeping things quiet out of "national interest," while the general public knows that that national interest is to keep corrupt and lying politicians, and the compliant MSM, in office to the hilt.

This country is condemned - even by your umpteenth refusal - to a status quo in which a large part of the people know that they are ruled by a gang of lying and corrupt politicians in box K, but that they are - still - powerless to do anything about it, because this open lawlessness is facilitated by an equally corrupt and lying 1st and 2nd chamber.

But then, in all seriousness, may I ask you a question Mr. Kuipers? Was this now the image you had in mind when you said yes to politics - perhaps out of sincere conviction?

That you would become part of a lying, cheating and threatening people in their standard of living, freedom and health, who sit there for their own ego, for lust for power, for the interest of the party cartel and, of course, for that plush sticking exorbitant benefit, or compensation as you call it yourselves.

Of course, I do not need an answer to this question, because the fact that you are actually beginning to look more and more like the - fictional - representative of the ultimate evil Lord Voldemort, indicates that somewhere inside you there is still a battle going on, with the last vestige of decency, humanity and conscience.

Help DDS through these difficult times. Help us make a fist against the mainstream media as well as the party cartel. Fight side-by-side with us. Donate on BackMe and fight side-by-side with DDS against the globalist superconservatives.

Do I have empathy with you, pity or even some form of understanding? No, absolutely not.

We are all responsible for our own actions, and if those actions involve knowingly lying to millions of people, and threatening their very existence, then it is time for some human and moral awareness, for otherwise you as a person are indeed just pure evil.

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Netherlands Corona Ernst Kuipers

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