Majority in House of Representatives believes heavy illegal fireworks should be covered by gun law

Majority in House of Representatives believes heavy illegal fireworks should be covered by gun law

After the passing of a motion by the VVD asking the cabinet being asked to place the so-called F4 category of fireworks under the law on Weapons and Ammunition Act, the police will now have more opportunities to detect and deal with these dangerous fireworks.

Second MP Ingrid Michon (VVD) explains that the police have long been requested this measure and will benefit greatly: "With the heavy illegal fireworks falling under the F4 category, such as the infamous cobras, officers can now conduct preventive searches if they suspect that someone is walking around with them. This will help prevent these explosives from being used. It is of great importance that we can be able to detect it." So said the MP.

The placing these heavy illegal fireworks under the weapons law has another additional advantage, namely, a mayor can immediately close a building where such fireworks are found or where it has exploded, immediately close down. Minister Yesilgöz of Justice, for her part, wanted to first have research done into the possibility of putting placing the cobras under the weapons law, but the House did not settle for this with this.

Although the motion to place heavy illegal fireworks under the firearms law appears to be an important step in combating them, the enforcement of this measure remains unclear. Especially with the budget cuts at the police, making this plan feasible seems challenging. Moreover the passed motion raises the question of what effect this might have on a total fireworks ban. Since the nuisance comes primarily from illegal fireworks, it is important to examine how this new regulation relates to broader measures regarding fireworks.

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Parliament Fireworks

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