Lower House Speaker Vera Bergkamp (D66) calls on Twitter to take action against violent tweets toward MPs

Lower House Speaker Vera Bergkamp (D66) calls on Twitter to take action against violent tweets toward MPs

Second Chamber president, Vera Bergkamp, has via Twitter called for immediate action and serious steps against threatening and violent tweets directed at MPs. In her tweet, Bergkamp stressed the need to deal severely with threats via social media. Although she does not specifically name any MP, she is referring to videos and images of MPs accompanied by death threats, which, according to her letter, are punishable in the Netherlands. Bergkamp stresses that it is essential that MPs can do their jobs safely, both offline and online.

The public letter from Vera Bergkamp brings the urgency of the problem of threatening tweets toward MPs. Although Twitter's response has yet to remains to be seen, Bergkamp says it is very important that they take this issue seriously and take appropriate action. Although Bergkamp does not mention specific MPs in her letter, it seems that she is indirectly referring to Geert Wilders. Wilders is by far the only MP who regularly faces horrific threats. The is of great importance that all Members of Parliament are able to do their jobs safely, regardless of their political beliefs or views.

As one of the world's largest social media platforms, Twitter has a responsibility to ensure that its platform is safe for users. Although Twitter has already taken some measures to spreading hate content and threats, there is a clear need for further action, according to Bergkamp, there is clearly a need for further actions. Although it remains to be seen to what extent Bergkamp's letter is taken seriously by Twitter.

It is also remarkable that Bergkamp only addresses Twitter and completely ignores other major social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. It should be clear that death threats are not only sent into the world via Twitter but that threats are also regularly sent to MPs via other social media platforms. <

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