LOL! Sigrid Kaag finds PVV victory very bad: "Wilders is not my prime minister"

| by Michael van der Galien

Boys how sad! Sigrid Kaag is upset. For the former top woman of D66 and destroyer of the Netherlands thinks it is terrible that the PVV won the elections. If there will be a Prime Minister Wilders, she says, he will not be her prime minister.

The PVV's amazing result is, she says, "a slap in the face of democracy." Indeed, she thinks it is so bad, that if Wilders becomes prime minister she will say, "That's not my prime minister." So, well. That sits. We're all going to suffer greatly for that.

In addition, Kaag says, she does not believe that Wilders has actually become "milder," as he himself says. "After 20 years of hatred, discrimination and exclusion of population groups, there is still a long way to go. That's how I see it," said Ms. Know-it-All.

The only question I have is: is she talking about Wilders or herself? Because she and her party have been spreading hate about FVD'ers and PVV'ers for years, publicly discriminating against Christians and really just white people in general, and thereby excluding entire populations, including right-wing voters.

Then again, this person obviously has zero self-knowledge. So she will not see the irony in her words.

Thank God we are almost rid of this woman. She is leaving politics. Gone. Gone.

The only bad news? The cabinet is outgoing and will continue until a new cabinet arrives. And that could take a very long time. After all, the NSC does not want to govern with the PVV, and the VVD has already indicated that they maximum want to "tolerate a center-right coalition." (Which means they want to make Wilders so weak that he can't get much done and a possible cabinet falls at lightning speed.... or that Wilders withdraws for this reason after which the cartel can nicely form a coalition together - without PVV, of course)

Incidentally, it is amusing that she too calls this a slap in the face of democracy. Nothing could be further from the truth, of course. There has been massive voting for the PVV. On the contrary, it is democratic through and through. You can find that annoying, mind you, but it's not undemocratic. It's quite the opposite.

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