LOL! D66'er Rinnooy Kan: 'The low polls for my party are a mystery to me'

| by Michael van der Galien

Alexander Rinnooy Kan is party promoter at D66. And we should be grateful for that. After all, the man made it very clear today what is wrong with that party. In short? Everything.

D66 is doing anything but well these days. In the 2021 parliamentary elections they managed to get 24 seats, but if things continue as they are now in the polls, the 2023 parliamentary elections will be a disaster. D66 could end up with only 9 to 10 seats. That is an enormous drop. No other party can match that, not even the CDA will lose that many seats.

Of course, that's not even surprising. After all, everyone has come to hate D66. D66ers in the House of Representatives are arrogant, haughty and wan.... and no less so are D66 cabinet members - with Sigrid Kaag leading the way. The average Dutchman looks at those people and thinks, "Ah gatsie, I really don't want anything to do with that."

But at D66 they think that's just crazy! Because, said Alexander Rinnooy Kan today on Sven on 1, D66 has just "deputized a particularly gifted group of ministers to the cabinet." It is therefore "a mystery to him" why his party is losing so much in the polls.

That's how disconnected from reality D66ers really are. All of the Netherlands is going broke. We are facing an energy crisis, an asylum crisis, a tax crisis, a housing crisis, a purchasing power crisis. All those crises are if not caused, then at least extremely exacerbated by D66.

The House of Representatives elections later this year will be the most important elections of our lives. The Daily Standard realizes this. We would like to fight side by side with you for a democratic, an open, a strong, a proud, and a prosperous Netherlands. But to do so, we need your help! Support us now via BackMe! Donate and help us take on D66 and that D66 media cartel every day.

On top of that, D66'ers in the cabinet as well as in parliament prove every week that they totally hate the Netherlands, the Dutch, and our history. Not a day really goes by when they don't give ordinary Dutch people any snarl.

But then they really don't understand where this D66 hatred comes from.


More disgusting than these people are not made to be - but dumber, thankfully, either.

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