Left-wing worldview of Volkskrant shattered: Mosque opts for Geert Wilders

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

Left-wing worldview of Volkskrant shattered: Mosque opts for Geert Wilders

It is always refreshing to notice when the self-appointed "guardians of morality" at a newspaper like the Volkskrant seem to be confused. In their leftist safe bubbles, far away from everyday reality, they continue to be amazed that their rosy worldview is shattered time and again. Now the astonishment is again over the "shocking" fact that even in an Arnhem mosque there is striking sympathy for Geert Wilders.

"Yep, you read it right. There are people ín a mosque who prefer Wilders to Dilan Yeşilgöz of the VVD. Instead of clinging to the 'they' of left-wing political correctness, they indicate that they would rather go for 'Geertje' than the Yeşilgöz put forward by the VVD," writes the Volkskrant, with a tone of surprise, as if this is something totally unexpected.

News flash, Volkskrant. More and more people see reality, including those Dutch people with a migration background that you are often so eager to use as pawns in your political games. The downside of the leftist fairy tale becomes clearer every day. Of course they see through Wilders' often harsh statements about Muslims and refugees. But when one ignores the anti-Islam rhetoric, they see a politician who stands up for the so-called "common man.

Instead of blindly trusting the promises of the progressive mob, people question the deeply ingrained problems they face every day - problems that the VVD and other leftist parties often conveniently ignore, while supposedly representing everyone.

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Let this be a lesson to the editors at the Volkskrant and other idolaters of the leftist elite: reality does not always coincide with your leftist utopia. And more and more people are realizing that. Not only in Arnhem mosques, but throughout the Netherlands. And maybe, just maybe, that is good news for the common man - and a bad signal for those who choose to stay on top of their ivory towers.

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Media PVV Geert Wilders

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