Kijkduin overwhelmed by mass arrival of Arab and African fortune seekers: 'Shame, how can this be!'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Kijkduin overwhelmed by mass arrival of Arab and African fortune seekers: 'Shame, how can this be!'

In seaside resort Kijkduin, local residents as well as business owners are shocked, furious, irritated, scared, and just not happy at all. The reason? They received a letter last Saturday informing them that the NH Hotel will be used to... fortune seekers in it. "How can this be!" they ask themselves furiously. The answer is: because this is how the uppity ones roll.

The emergency shelter for asylum seekers from Ter Apel was put together very quickly. This is because the center cannot handle the crowds. In fact, if something is not done soon, we will have to deal with even more fortune seekers who will have to sleep outside on the grass for the foreseeable future.

Then yesterday the first buses arrived with fortune seekers. Then, of course, it is interesting to ask: what kind of people are in them? Poor families, women, children ... and if they are men, then surely dentists. Right?

Well no. They are all men. Single men. When asked what countries they come from, they answer, "From Syria and Yemen."

Neighbors are reacting furiously, lets The Telegraph know. They say things like, "A disgrace. This is being rammed down your throat." Business owners are also furious. "We're pretty overwhelmed. Everyone is saying, 'How can this be?'"

Still others say they can't actually believe it. Everyone is "in shock." They say it's "intense." Oh, and they find it striking that they have absolutely no input. They are not being asked anything. They just have to accept it.

" It sounds unkind, but you only hear misery and woes about Ter Apel. I have two small children. These refugees here now, I do not like," says one Jessica.

The Hague: Mass Immigration Municipality

This is indeed very bad all around. But the answer to the question of how this is possible anyway is quite simple: your municipality is in the hands of leftists, of globalists, of omvolvers and of wokists. Yes, last week in The Hague the PVV became the largest party with 21.6% of the vote. But even then, GroenLinks/PvdA came second with 19.3%, VVD third with 15%, and DENK fourth with 8.6%. Oh yes, NSC received 8.5%, while D66 received 8.3%.

GL-PvdA are pro-mass immigration, VVD has allowed mass immigration to explode over the past 11 years, DENK is pro-mass immigration, so is NSC (a "restriction" of 50,000 asylum seekers a year ís not a restriction), and D66 of course believes: the more fortune seekers from regions where they have nothing to do with our values, the better.

So that puts you at 19.3%+15%+8.6%+8.5%, 8.3%=51.4%. At least 59.7% of the votes in The Hague went to pro-mass immigration parties. If you then include some parties like the CDA and the PvdD, the ChristenUnie ánd Volt as well, you end up with about 66%. So two-thirds.

Well, if you vote this way, then you can take a poison that your municipality will declare these kinds of policies and start using hotels for nuisance immigrants.

Read more about:
Immigration Refugees

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