Insane! 'Officials from across the country' demonstrate against election results: 'At the Docker'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Insane! 'Officials from across the country' demonstrate against election results: 'At the Docker'

PVV Member of Parliament Martin Bosma finds it absolutely ridiculous that civil servants are going to demonstrate together today (I think) at noon in Amsterdam. At the Dokwerker. Because, writes Bosma on X, that is a monument to the persecution of the Jews and the February Strike. In doing so, the "officials" thus place 2.5 million voters "in the corner of the Nazis." Indeed, disgusting.

On Twitter, one Anne Hofstede ("communications professional and climate activist") let it be known that officials are taking to the streets today. They are gathering "from all over the country [...] tomorrow at 12 at the Dokwerker in Amsterdam, to send a signal in response to the election results."

A "signal?" Yes. "Namely that we take our oath of office seriously, that we are here for all citizens and stand firmly for the rule of law and the Constitution." Oh yes, "and that we are willing to resign from our jobs if necessary."

That is why they are going to demonstrate today at Nov. 27. At noon. At the Jonas Daniël Meijer Square.

Bosma: '2.5 million Nazis'

This call and the entire demonstration action by officials is logically against the grain of Martin Bosma. The PVV MP writes on X that the Dokwerker is a "monument [to] the February Strike and the persecution of the Jews."

"2.5 million voters," reacts Bosma rightly said, "are so placed in the corner of the Nazis. By officials!" Because yes, of course that is exactly what happens - precisely why they underline that point about the Constitution as well as about performing their moral duty (which they didn't do when there really were Nazis, by the way, but that aside).

Bosma is even angrier about the fact that this kind of misbehavior by officials is accepted by the party cartel. "The PvdA-GroenLinks city council thinks it's fine. Just as it also tolerates demonstrations calling for the mass murder of Jews."

It is indeed nauseating. But in the Netherlands we should find it quite normal that people who are paid from your and my tax money behave this way. After all, civil servants consider themselves the real rulers of our country.


Hilariously, we have some photos. And guess what? Attendance isn't exactly impressive:

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PVV Radical Left

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