Hypocrisy at its finest: Climate Minister Jetten flies to Argentina while exhorting others to fly, Winter has had enough!

| by Mark Jongeneel

Leon de Winter kicks Climate Minister Jetten's ass in his Telegraph column. He tackles Jetten for his trip to Argentina, which he says goes against everything the minister stands for. "How can a Climate Minister, who precisely wants to discourage citizens from flying for fun, himself be so hypocritical as to fly to Argentina?", De Winter wonders. He argues that Jetten could just as well have taken a modest trip to the south of France by train, instead of taking the plane to Argentina. De Winter sees this as a fat middle finger from Jetten to the voter.

De Winter makes it clear that he feels that Jetten himself does not take seriously the rules he imposes on others. He even calls Jetten a charlatan and argues that for him the Climate Crisis apparently only applies to "the others. "The photos that Jetten himself puts online are nothing less than a provocation to voters," De Winter argues.

Furthermore, De Winter lashes out at the hypocrisy of politicians who fly to Davos every year to discuss the Climate Crisis, while contributing to the issue themselves through their use of private jets and luxury accommodations. "In Davos, the climate crisis is discussed while enjoying comfort and luxury fueled by fossil fuels," he writes.

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De Winter concludes his column with a wish for 2024, in which he hopes the Netherlands will say goodbye to ministers who do not abide by the restrictions they impose on others. "It has been enough. We need ministers who take their own rules seriously and set a good example," he concludes. De Winter suggests that while you can probably make fun of Jetten, this does not excuse his behavior as climate minister.

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