Geert Wilders white-hot after question ban by Bergkamp: 'This is the THIRD WEEK she refuses questions!'

| by Michael van der Galien

Geert Wilders yesterday registered questions for today's Question Time with Mark Rutte. He submitted them to House Speaker Vera Bergkamp (D66). But Bergkamp refused them. Wilders reacted furiously to this. "The sooner she steps down the better!" he writes in an angry tone on Twitter.

The Dagblad van het Noorden reported Monday that there is increasing unrest in Ter Apel about criminal asylum seekers. The situation is now becoming so serious that citizens in that region are about to intervene themselves. For example, by beating up asylum seekers who flout the law, detaining them, etc.

Geert Wilders thought that was more than reason to ask Prime Minister Rutte some questions on the matter. So he signed up for Rutte's Q&A today.

But he was not thanked for that by Chamber President Bergkamp. Indeed, the D66'er simply refused his questions, Wilders said on Twitter. And no, it is not the first time this is the case. "This is the THIRD week in a row" that this happens he states.

Wilders is furious about this, also because he is the leader of the largest opposition party. In his view, this decision by Bergkamp stems purely from "PVV hatred." He cannot think of any other explanation for this.

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"She is totally unfit for her position," Wilders concludes. In addition, in his view, she has "zero authority." Therefore, he comes to the clear conclusion that "the sooner she steps down, the better."

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