FVD'er Gideon van Meijeren stands up against intelligence agency AIVD: 'A dangerous stance'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Member of Parliament Gideon van Meijeren (FVD) has taken a fierce stand against the AIVD. Indeed, in new reports and public appearances, the leading Dutch intelligence agency claims that distrust of politics is "undermining." This, says Van Meijeren, is simply dangerous. After all, in a healthy democracy should there be criticism and, yes, even distrust. To dismiss that as undermining creates a dangerous autocratic society.

There are not many MPs in the House of Representatives with the guts to speak out against the madness of the intelligence services. But fortunately, Gideon van Meijeren (FVD) is still around. In a committee meeting he went loose on the AIVID and in an input of no less than 20 minutes explained why the AIVD is doing life-threatening things now that the service is actively campaigning against people who are supposedly "suspicious" of the government.

"I also feel personally challenged," Van Meijeren said, "because I realize that I also sometimes question the trustworthiness of the government by warning that there are [...] people working there who do not serve the public interest." Yes, said the FVD'er, it is clear that "in numerous places" there are people - in government and other institutions - who think only of their own interests, and who trample on the common good.

"But I don't see myself as anti-institutional, because I'm not against institutions at all. I am for democratic institutions. What I am against is corruption in those institutions."

This is, of course, a healthy position in a democratic society. On the contrary, classical liberalism argued that a government should always be distrusted. That is the foundation of liberalism, supposedly the ideology that our prime minister himself adheres to.

But if you now say that you distrust institutions on principle, and the government as well, then the intelligence service says that you are a danger and the government and the AIVD work together to silence you. Not in a criminal way, because of course what you think and say is not punishable, but in other ways. For example by simply taking away your voice in public or making it impossible for you to function.

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FVD AIVD Gideon van Meijeren

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