FVD'er Gideon van Meijeren piqued by censorship plan Wim Voermans

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

FVD'er Gideon van Meijeren piqued by censorship plan Wim Voermans

FVD Member of Parliament Gideon van Meijeren finds it unacceptable that Professor of Constitutional Law Wim Voermans wants House of Representatives debates to be broadcast on a delayed basis so that censorship can be committed. This plan, Van Meijeren says, simply violates the Constitution. After all, debates should be "public."

Voermans says that his plan is necessary because things are increasingly happening in House debates that he and others take offense to. Or, things that his can't "find." That's why broadcasts need to be delayed. Then cuts and pastes can be made quickly, for example if an FVD'er or PVV'er says something that is not appreciated by the censors.

Gideon van Meijeren believes this is a particularly bad plan. And for two main reasons; reasons that should normally be endorsed by a professor of State Law anyway.

The first reason is that "the Constitution provides that meetings of the States General are open to the public so that voters can check their representatives." In other words, it is important for voters to see what MPs say and do there, so that they in turn know whether or not they are properly represented. Indeed, if they are not, they should be able to punish those MPs by simply not voting for them next time. But if they see that this or that MP represents their views very well, then that MP should be able to claim their vote next time.

His second point is that voters simply "should also be able to be aware of 'inappropriate behavior.'" In doing so, he makes it clear that what Voermans calls "inappropriate behavior" are, in his view, purely "inconvenient truths."

Van Meijeren's conclusion is that these democratic principles should never, ever be tampered with. He thus refers Voermans' idea straight into the wastebasket.

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Wim Voermans was previously in the news for attacking Ongehoord Nederland presenter Raisa Blommestijn. Columnist Frits Bosch then called Voerman a fascist for what he considered cowardly attacks.

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