Fleur Agema (PVV) furious: '2 million bribe was paid and the minister hid it'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Fleur Agema (PVV) furious: '2 million bribe was paid and the minister hid it'

Fleur Agema of the PVV is furious. For she has come to the conclusion that as much as 2 million euros bribes were paid from taxpayers' money. This information has been kept under wraps ... and now that something of publicity is given, the names of the responsible individuals have been removed.

Agema says that, in the House's debate a few years ago with Tamara van Ark (VVD) on the Sywert deal, she then asked Van Ark about "the other 1.4 billion euros" spent by the state and whether it included "cowboys" to whom that money went (for "corona mouth caps" and the like).

That report finally came out yesterday. The results are, Agema said, "shocking." Namely, "two million euros in bribes were paid in one of those deals. And that report on that was kept under wraps for months."

"There was just a bribe paid with tax money paid by you. Bribes!" she continues, startled.

To that, Agema said Minister Helder is now almost certainly going to be thrown in front of the bus by her colleagues. "We will have to have the debate in the short term. And that is goor," she then says, "because it was Bruins who was about the personal protective equipment and Martin van Rijn who inherited the portfolio from him."

After Van Rijn, it was not Helder, but Kuipers who took over this portfolio. But suddenly "it was Minister Helder who was doing the debate on the Sywert deal, because she was dealing with the handling of the corona crisis. But that is not true at all. Because last Thursday we were [...] debating with Kuipers."

"So Kuipers is kept out of the wind and Helder is thrown in front of the bus. But it's terrible that tax money, that bribes - two million euros - have been paid, isn't it? I can't get my head around it!"

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Indeed, says Agema, it is abundantly clear that there have been all kinds of friend deals. Friends of ministers have been able to make tons of money. On the corona crisis. From taxpayers' money.

"Heads must roll," concludes Agema. "Done!"

Read more about:
Corona PVV Ernst Kuipers

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