Education minister Wiersma (VVD) sabotages parental choice with absurd measures against tutoring industry

| by Mark Jongeneel

It's another sad day for education in the Netherlands. Education Minister Dennis Wiersma of the VVD plans to change the law to thwart the tutoring industry. His proposed measures are an attack on parents' freedom of choice and show a lack of understanding of students' needs.

Wiersma wants schools to stop advertising commercial tutoring agencies. As if it is the government's job to determine how schools support their students! This is a gross violation of the autonomy of schools and parents. Moreover, Wiersma wants schools to organize tutoring sessions themselves or hire a non-profit organization. As if schools do not already have enough duties and parents do not have the right to decide for themselves how best to support their children.

During the debate on equity in education, several opposition parties expressed doubts about the effectiveness of these measures. And rightly so! It is clear that Wiersma has no eye for the real problems in education and instead comes up with unworkable measures that will not make any difference.

It is significant that PVV MP Harm Beertema labels Wiersma's plan as "narrowly left-wing." Beertema rightly points to the disastrous innovations in education, where tests are abolished under the guise of stress reduction and equality. Meanwhile, half of the students in grade 8 can barely read, but parents are forbidden to assist themselves and give their children the help they need. This is not equality of opportunity, this is a zero opportunity policy!

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It is high time for parents and schools to unite against this patronization from The Hague. Parents have the right to decide how to support their children and schools should have the freedom to cooperate with whomever they wish. It is unacceptable that a minister without any insight into practice is trying to restrict the choices of parents and schools.

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