D66 Members support no-confidence motion: Rutte chose position and profile over national interest

| by Mark Jongeneel

In a positive development within politics, a group of D66 members have circulated a statement of support supporting the no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Rutte. These members have addressed the D66 Lower House faction directly, emphasizing their dissatisfaction with Rutte's decision to drop the cabinet.

The statement of support refers to the motivation behind Rutte's action, emphasizing that it was not motivated by national interest or an asylum crisis, but rather by personal profile and party politics. This has led to a sense of protest among D66 members, who are now speaking out against this course of action. It is a positive sign that the base of a political party is stirring and actively engaging in the political debate.

The question that arises now is whether the D66 faction has the determination to follow through, now that they know that Rutte will quit as political leader after the Lower House elections. It is a challenge they face, but it is also an opportunity to show their determination to uphold their principles and stand up for the national interest. It is a moment when the political courage and integrity of the group are put to the test.

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Let us hope that the D66 members' statement of support is seen as a positive signal and an incentive for the group to show determination. It is an opportunity to make a strong statement and put the interests of the country's interest first. It is a chance to show that politics listens to its base and is willing to embrace change.

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