D66: A totalitarian party that wants to punish MPs for any wrongdoing

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

D66: A totalitarian party that wants to punish MPs for any wrongdoing

It seems that D66 is making another attempt to present itself as the moral authority of politics. This time they want to create the possibility of suspending MPs who do not disclose their ancillary positions until they comply. The plan, proposed by MP Joost Sneller, shows D66's patronizing attitude and treating MPs like toddlers.

Of course Chamber members must obey the law. No one disputes that. But it seems that D66 likes to organize a witch hunt to punish politicians for every little mistake. They have shown before that they have an obsession with suspending politicians, as we have seen with Thierry Baudet of Forum for Democracy. It seems they are now aiming their arrows at any politician who is not perfectly in line.

What is even more worrying is that D66 presents itself as the moral watchdog of politics. They pretend to be the party that has the best interests of the Dutch people at heart while selling out the Netherlands to the EU and opening the borders wide. But let's not forget that politicians are people too and they can make mistakes. Instead of immediately waving the punishment book, we should try to show understanding and look for constructive solutions.

It is also important to remember that D66 itself is not free of sins. The party has also faced scandals in the past and even had to have ministers and MPs resign. So let them not blow their hopes too high and measure others as if they are blameless.

Instead of immediately coming out with the whip, D66 would be better off investing in supporting and guiding MPs so that they become more aware of their obligations and better able to follow the rules.

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Let us hope that other parties do not support this patronizing approach of D66 and instead strive to create a mature and constructive political environment. It is time to move away from the totalitarian obsession with punishing and suspending politicians and instead focus on creating an open and honest political debate. We understand that D66 is having a lot of trouble with the latter.

Read more about:
D66 Big Brother

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