Crackpot minister Adema just brings draft agricultural agreement to the House of Representatives

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Crackpot minister Adema just brings draft agricultural agreement to the House of Representatives

Christen Union minister Adema is pushing the coalition's draft agreement on nitrogen/agriculture as usual. He is sending it to the House and that should "be given time to take the agreement to itself." Separate. Because the farmers have quit.

In a normal democracy, where interest groups have the right to have a say in the policies of the government coalition, new policies, a new agreement, would not go through if an organization like LTO dropped out of the negotiations. Because you have to be able to get the groups involved together. You have to get them all to agree to a compromise.

That didn't work and so the whole agreement should be thrown in the trash. Simple.

Except that the Netherlands has long since ceased to be a normal, functioning democracy. As a result, we have to look on in complete amazement while Minister Adema (Christian Union) very proudly cries on NPO Radio 1 that the draft agreement will simply be sent to the House of Representatives for MPs to vote on. The fact that farmers loathe the agreement and do not wish to agree to it does not interest Adema - and thus almost certainly a majority in the current Chamber -.

Most strikingly, Adema pretends it is very accommodating, sweet, democratic and transparent of him to want to give MPs "time" to go through the agreement. "It is quite a bulky agreement," he said.

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Yeah right? Only there's a problem: it's not an agreement. It is an idea between the coalition parties. It is not an agreement - in fact, no other organizations such as LTO, let alone the Farmers Defense Force, are involved.

Apparently, Adema doesn't care. The coalition wants this "agreement" to become a reality. Period.

Read more about:
Christian Union Farmers

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