'Conspiracy theory' turns out to be true: Klaus Schwab tells Mark Rutte what to do and cooperate on Great Reset

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

'Conspiracy theory' turns out to be true: Klaus Schwab tells Mark Rutte what to do and cooperate on Great Reset

Correspondence between WEF boss Klaus Schwab and Prime Minister Rutte has finally been released. The conclusions that can be drawn from it are shocking. The Netherlands plays a central role in rolling out this WEF agenda.... AND our political leaders have been lying about this for years.

For years, people who criticize the obvious collaboration between our government and Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum have been dismissed as freaks, as so-called 'wappies'. We would make it up. It's all nonsense. This "Great Reset" of Schwab's? Only he and a few controversial wappies have ever heard of that, our prime minister certainly not.

Well, that's a little different. Because FVD MP Pepijn van Houwelingen has forced disclosure of correspondence between Schwab and Mark Rutte. And what turns out? That correspondence openly discusses the Great Reset and the role of the Netherlands in the agenda to bring about that Great Reset.

'Conspiracy theory' turns out to be true: Klaus Schwab tells Mark Rutte what to do and cooperate on Great Reset

In this letter, Schwab invited Rutte to come to the big WEF meeting in 2021. Rutte accepted, of course, because Rutte is always at big meetings of globalists. He really can't be turned away from those.

"This annual meeting will be the first opportunity for government and business leaders to come together again to design a common recovery path and rebuild a more resilient, cohesive and sustainable society," Schwab said in his letter. Note here, then, that this is patently not just about Corona and its aftermath. No. The meeting is very clearly also focused on "remaking" society with goals that have NOTHING to do with corona, such as "sustainability.

"It will be supported by the Great Reset process, an unprecedented mobilization of actionable ideas from the Forum's action groups, platforms and other initiatives to shape the world after COVID-19," Schwab said.

But that's not even the most important thing. Then what is? Well, just read this sentence: "Given the leading role the Netherlands has taken in steering Europe's recovery efforts and Europe's future, your perspective on building the Great Reset at the global level with the international community would be greatly appreciated."

This is interesting not only because it proves that the Netherlands and the WEF are actively working together, but also because it shows that a few years ago Rutte ruthlessly lied when he told FVD Member of Parliament Gideon van Meijeren that he had no idea what Schwab's book The Great Reset was about. He claimed to have never even heard of it, when of course this document is where Schwab explains his great Great Reset plan.

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Lies, lies, lies. The WEF is the organization that devised and coordinates the Great Reset. And the Netherlands plays an important role in it. No, even a key role.

Read more about:
WEF Klaus Schwab

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