Completely disrespectful: Officer in The Hague almost strangled by thugs

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The blood is boiling. This is the moment when we talk about a city, about the Netherlands, that seems to be losing its foundation of respect, dignity and humanity. In the entertainment center of The Hague this weekend, a policeman was pulled off his bicycle by two men. But that is only half of the chilling story. What followed was a shocking example of the eroding respect for our enforcers of the law.

The officer, who was doing his best to maintain order in the city, was not only pulled from his bike, but was strangled when one of the attackers pulled so hard on his bike helmet that he choked, writesthe AD. As if that wasn't enough, bystanders - instead of helping the officer - decided to get involved in the assault.

Are we out of our minds? Where is the respect for the men and women who put their lives on the line to keep our streets safe? How did we get to this point where bystanders, instead of intervening, decide to participate in such an atrocity?

Eventually, a 34-year-old man from The Hague and a 23-year-old homeless man were arrested in connection with the incident. What is baffling, however, is that the 23-year-old is already at large again. Seriously? Someone involved in such an act is just let back on the streets? Where are our priorities?

The 34-year-old man is still in custody, and fortunately the officer has filed charges against him. It is now up to the magistrate judge to decide whether the man will remain behind bars longer. Let's hope for a wise decision, so that barbarians like this do not roam free in our society.

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This incident is only a symptom of a much larger problem: a growing disregard for the law and a government seemingly unable to protect its citizens and its servants.

It is high time for action. It is time to take back control and send a clear message that this kind of misconduct will not be tolerated. It is time we stand up for the people who risk their lives every day to keep us safe. Enough is enough.

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