Caroline van der Plas and Geert Wilders in party mood: "Where were you when Rutte IV fell?"

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Caroline van der Plas and Geert Wilders in party mood: "Where were you when Rutte IV fell?"

The entire opposition is celebrating hard today because the miserable Rutte IV cabinet has finally fallen. Caroline van der Plas (BBB), Geert Wilders (PVV) and Esther Ouwehand (PvdD) all let it be known that they are having a great time ... and that they hope the Netherlands can finally get rid of the most mendacious prime minister ever. Mark Rutte, that is.

Wilders' response was quite striking. Indeed, he immediately made an invitation to Rutte to come to a deal on asylum together - even now that the cabinet is out of office and possibly even afterwards when new elections have been held.

"I am willing to work with all parties to tackle this asylum legislation," Wilders said. "I challenge Rutte to pick up the gauntlet and work together to improve the legislation."

Caroline van der Plas delighted

BBB leader Caroline van der Plas reacted somewhat corny at first. She posted a photo of herself on Twitter with the text, "How did you look when the cabinet fell?" Her pose in doing so is, of course, particularly happy.

Afterwards, she was allowed to speak briefly with NOS. There she indicated that the past few days have been very "exciting," even this morning but that she is happy that it is finally game over for this cabinet. She then explained that BBB is ready for the campaign. All the banners are still ready, so are the flags. In fact, according to Van der Plas, BBB already has enough potential candidates for the electoral list.

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She also indicated that BBB already has several possible prime ministerial candidates in mind. That may not necessarily be her. It may well be that it does run that way eventually, but for now she seems to prefer that someone else does it.

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