BVNL demands Rutte resign and referendum on gas production in Groningen

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

BVNL demands Rutte resign and referendum on gas production in Groningen

BVNL, the political party led by Wybren van Haga, has called on Prime Minister Mark Rutte to resign and hold a referendum on renewed gas production in Groningen. The MP accuses Rutte of systematically refusing to generously compensate the Groningers for the damage caused by earthquakes and gas production.

Van Haga emphasizes that Groningers are entitled to compensation, not only for the earthquake damage, but also with regard to a Gas Fund to mitigate the effects of gas extraction. He believes Rutte should "pack up and leave." In addition, BVNL calls for a referendum among the residents of northern Groningen to gauge support for renewed gas production in the area.

BVNL expects that a large proportion of Groningers will vote in favor of renewed gas production, provided there is direct and significant investment in the province. The party member stresses the importance of improving employment, keeping full hospitals open and improving public transportation in Groningen.

The party calls the current politics surrounding gas extraction "naive feel-good politics." According to BVNL, too often a Groningen no to gas production is assumed, while there are plenty of signs that a majority is actually in favor of renewed gas production. For example, a regional poll showed that most Groningers want to increase gas production in order to be less dependent on Russia.

Van Haga regrets the lengthy wrangling over compensation and the fact that still not all quake damage has been compensated. He stressed that Groningen gas is a reliable and affordable source of energy and that compensation should be swift and generous.

A petition from BVNL regarding this issue has already gathered more than 14,000 signatures. In addition, BVNL will file a motion to ensure at least a pilot light scenario, so that no old shoes are thrown away before new ones.

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The debate over renewed gas production in Groningen continues today in the House of Representatives, where BVNL is hoping for support for their proposals to improve the situation in Groningen and provide Groningers with the compensation they are entitled to.

Read more about:
BVNL Mark Rutte Wybren van Haga

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