BBB ignores diversity discussion and points to other parties: "there I also see mostly white politicians and few women!"

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An analysis by the AD shows that county boards in the Netherlands are dominated by white males of a certain age, especially in counties where the BBB predominates. The analysis shows that in previous boards, one in three members were women, while that number has now dropped to less than one in four. There are no women at all on the provincial boards of Zeeland and Flevoland.

AnjaKeuter, group chairman of BBB Flevoland, is clear about her party's ambitions on diversity: "We don't do that. The best is the best." Keuter also points to other political parties: "There, too, I see mainly white politicians and few women. In the Netherlands everyone is equal and deserves equal opportunities, except for six men. That is then apparently not discrimination."

Diversity requirements appear to be a challenge for parties such as the Green Left, which claim to value diversity. A striking example of this is the Overijssel College, where only one woman is present. It is interesting to note that this woman did not come from GroenLinks or other parties that profile themselves as inclusive, such as D66.Despite GroenLinks' attempt to approach "twice as many women as men," a "middle-aged white man" was ultimately unanimously chosen as the best candidate.

It strongly seems that there is an active search for ways to discredit BBB. Fortunately, BBB has been able to shake off this attempt quite easily and the party is not getting carried away by these unfounded accusations. It is important to note that parties such as D66 and GroenLinks, which often consider themselves to be morally high-minded, in many cases lag behind when it comes to diversity.

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