Bam! Gideon van Meijeren (FVD) clashes adamantly with VVD minister on terrorism and rule of law

| by Michael van der Galien

At a committee meeting in the House of Representatives, Gideon van Meijeren (MP for FVD) hit Justice Minister Dilan Yesilgöz pretty hard. He did so because Yesilgöz refused to distance herself from the AIVD's position on criticism or distrust of "the government" and/or other "democratic institutions. The AIVD considers anyone who distrusts the government a danger and "subversive. Shameless.

Van Meijeren wanted to hear from Yesilgöz that it cannot be true that the AIVD dismisses distrust of government agencies as "undermining. That is separate. Indeed, it is contrary to classical liberalism, which promotes precisely this kind of distrust promotes because true liberals believe that governments and officials cannot be trusted blindly. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts completely

Does Yesilgöz think the AIVD should abandon this kind of language, Van Meijeren asked?

Yesilgöz's response to this was particularly fanatical. She accused Van Meijeren of actively trying to undermine the rule of law. Mind you, that accusation is grounds for banning a party under the new party ban law. So her accusation against Van Meijeren was deliberately packaged in such a way that the government could soon start trying to ban FVD.

In a healthy democracy it is important to be critical and even distrustful of the incumbent power. But what we are seeing nowadays is that this healthy distrust is actively dismissed as 'subversive of the rule of law' and used by the AIVD and ministers to censor and even ban media and parties. Van Meijeren finds this a worrying development. Yesilgöz clearly did not want to reassure him. In fact, she went straight in by accusing him of indeed undermining the rule of law.

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Van Meijeren did not back down - and neither did Yesilgöz. The FVD'er explained that he actually wants to restore the rule of law and make democratic institutions better. But Yesilgöz once again accused him of undermining democracy and the rule of law. It was a remarkable and harsh confrontation. One that implies there will be many more harsh confrontations in the future.

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