Another resignation! Peter Kwint (SP) steps down: 'Never before have I had so little faith in the Lower House'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Another resignation! Peter Kwint (SP) steps down: 'Never before have I had so little faith in the Lower House'

SP MP Peter Kwint is quitting politics. He will not let himself be put on the SP list for the Lower House elections. Kwint is yet another resignation in just a few days. The reason? He has completely lost his faith in The Hague and is convinced that working there won't make any difference in the banana republic of the Netherlands anyway.

Kwint has never been a man of few words, but he has surpassed himself for his farewell announcement with a very long, detailed and above all painful letter. For in it he very calmly explains that he is done with The Hague because politics is dead rotten. Cabinets take no responsibility for major failures, coalition parties sweep everything under the carpet together, and good members of parliament stand helplessly roaring that things cannot go on like this.

In his letter, Kwint states that he is still "deeply convinced" that there must be "systemic change" and that the SP is the best vehicle for that. But he as a politician no longer belongs in the Chamber at this time. Why not? Because he has simply lost confidence in the process. Because he keeps going to the Chamber and seeing the games and knowing: no matter how loud you shout, no matter how right you are, it doesn't matter. The cartel does what it wants, sweeps everything under the rug, and also gets away with everything because the mainstream media (read: the media cartel) and Hague politicians are two hands in one.


In particular, the way the Cabinet handled the parliamentary on Groningen proved to Kwint that it had to be over and done with his Hague career. "The way this report and more importantly, the Groningers, were handled, gave the final push for me," always the SP'er. "Never before have I had so little confidence in the institution of the Chamber."

The report itself, says Kwint, is of a high standard. What matters to him is that it is perfectly clear that the Cabinet should have fallen on this issue. The House should not have accepted that Rutte and his gang mates stayed put. Yet the cabinet stayed on - supported by the full coalition. Because taking responsibility for (conscious!) failure is just not there anymore in Dutch politics. And the Lower House swallows it.

As far as Kwint is concerned, this report should have meant the end for the person who spent "ten years" leading the Groningen mess. But "he grossed in disinterest and poor preparation during this debate" because he was simply not interested. But then Rutte did step down because he thought he could score with it for his own supporters (on immigration).


What Kwint's story boils down to is that it's all useless is. "If you almost never like it anymore, if you almost feel a physical repulsion when you go into the building and if your first reaction after a passed proposal is that presumably nothing is going to happen with it anyway, then it does stop at some point," says the SP'er.

In himself, Kwint thinks the political fight can still make sense. But he can no longer charge for it. He is done with the endless battle against the beerbowl, knowing that the House will never, ever intervene, no matter what the Cabinet does. The Cabinet is the boss - so is a new cabinet.

In short, basically Kwint's farewell letter amounts to saying that the Netherlands has become a banana republic. Rules are ignored by the cartel. They don't give a damn that people lose their security or go broke financially. Cabinet members are not held accountable; the coalition always keeps each other in line.

(This article continues below this call) Kwint is right! The Netherlands is turning into a Banana Republic. But The Daily Standard resists this to its last breath. We never give up. But we need YOUR help to do so. DONATE now to DDS, via BackMe, and fight with us, side by side, against the corrupt The Hague!

The scariest part of this, of course, is that Kwint's resignation means that he is convinced that this is not going to change even after the next general election. The election results are by no means certain. VVD may become the largest again, GroenLinks/PvdA may win, or BBB or Pieter Omtzigt may have a chance at the title "the largest. But Kwint thinks: it's not going to make any difference. If he did think that, there would be absolutely no reason for him to throw in the towel.


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