Anger and disappointment within ChristenUnie over collaboration with PVV in Flevoland: 'What are you doing?

Mark Jongeneel

Mark Jongeneel

Anger and disappointment within ChristenUnie over collaboration with PVV in Flevoland: 'What are you doing?

The formation of a new coalition in Flevoland, in which the ChristenUnie is collaborating with the PVV, has caused great anger and disappointment within the ChristenUnie. Members of the party are openly expressing their dissatisfaction with this collaboration, which they believe is not in line with the party's principles and values.

In particular, the Christian Union youth wing is speaking out vehemently against the collaboration with the PVV. They stress that they absolutely cannot live with this and that it is unacceptable for the party to partner with the PVV. The youth department will well fear that this collaboration will detract from the inclusive and connecting character of the Christian Union.

The party's national leadership is also troubled by the collaboration. It is seen as a controversial step that could damage the party's reputation. Bas de Groot, former ChristenUnie list leader in Amsterdam, has even decided to cancel his membership because of the coalition with the PVV in Flevoland. Laughable that such a person walks away right away when the going gets tough. Incredibly hypocritical of this CU person, where the C has been totally lost for a very long time and the ChristenUnie in The Hague is in a coalition with parties like D66 and VVD, which are diametrically opposed to many norms and values of the ChristenUnie, but that is not a problem. No they are just looking for an anti-democratic stick to beat with.

The criticism focuses particularly on the views and rhetoric of the PVV, which are often perceived as polarizing and exclusionary. Instead, the Christian Union wants to be known for its emphasis on stewardship, charity and connecting different groups in society. Excluding democratically elected parties obviously works very binding.

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Within the Christian Union there are calls for a reconsideration of coalition formation in Flevoland. It is clear that there is deep division on this issue and that cooperation with the PVV is not widely supported within the party. The principled objections to this coalition are strong and the question "What are you doing?" is being asked loudly. It is bizarre that this question is only being asked now that the negotiations are almost successfully completed. It sounds a bit like mustard after the meal.

Read more about:
PVV Geert Wilders Christian Union

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