-Michel Mulder- An intelligence letter to Pieter Cobelens

| by Michel Mulder

Dear Brother of Ferd Grappighaus,

The world often speaks highly of the Dutch intelligence services, which makes that little club of James Bond look almost like amateurs.

Whether it's providing THE tip on Trump's alleged ties to the Russians, or collecting anti-institutional extremism data - yes it's a mouthful - our boys, girls and gender fuzzies at the AIVD, MIVD and NCTV don't turn their woke hands to it.

After your active - can you say that, about a spy? - career with the MIVD, the big grabbing has begun for you too, and where better to do it than at the talk show tables of the leftist incestuous cult called "Hollywood.

So with some regularity we see your grotesque bald bruiser filling our screen - replacing that bald plate of your "brother" - in which you - again, just like your "brother" - utter the utmost nonsense on really any subject, whether it is the security of the country, or the expiration date of the Catholic hosti.

According to you, we, the Dutchman groaning and sighing under Mark Rutte's dictatorship, should not whine so much.......... because things in this country are awesome good going.

First, I want to take a side step, and talk for a moment about word rape, which is apparently the new "shit" among the above-mentioned. The correct word is still fucking, and not fokking, or facking as that dear countess pronounced it in that - really not - scripted clip. (breathe in, breathe out Michel)

Then the factual evidence that that grotesque bald plate of yours, the bitterball-eating VVD'ers and the court apparatus surrounding Kaag really do live in their own bubble, a bubble that forms a separate universe in the Netherlands pretty much like the gated communities in, say, Beverly Hills.

Things are going so awesomely well in the Netherlands that 230,000 children will grow up in poverty as of 2024, an increase from 6.1 to 7.1 percent.

Things are going so incredibly well that overall poverty, not just among children, in this "rich and prosperous" country is sharply increasing.

Things are going so awesomely well in this country that more and more entrepreneursare going bankrupt, or voluntarily giving up on Maarten.

Things are going so incredibly well in this country that more and more Dutch people are struggling with psychic complaints.

Things are going so appallingly well in this country that more and more young people see suicide as the only way out.

Things are going so awesomely well in this country that serious violent crimes among young people are sharply increasing.

Things are going so awesomely well in this country that a quarter of the Dutch don't open the door at night when the doorbell rings.

Things are going so awesomely well in this country that six in 10 households do not, or have difficulty making ends meet.

So how is it that you, bitterball-eating VVD'ers and the court around Kaag observe that the Netherlands is doing so well, while because of increasing poverty, the bubonic plague has not yet announced its reappearance in society?

The answer to that is simple: because you are all members of the same parasitic and self-enriching bubble sect.It's as simple as that.

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Anyone who asked members of Louis XVI's court if things were going well in France was naturally told that things were "excellent. Only in the end, the people - and the guillotine - thought otherwise. But have no fear, a guillotine that fits size bowling ball XXXL under has yet to be invented.... this in lighthearted conclusion 😉

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