Young people delay important life steps due to housing shortage: a lost generation in sight

| by Mark Jongeneel

The news that many young people are putting off important steps in their lives because of the tightness in the housing market evokes a sense of sadness and anger. Research by insurer Aegon shows that young people are postponing independent living, living together, getting married and starting a family, among other things, because of the difficult situation in the housing market. Even divorced couples are often forced to continue living under the same roof writes the NOS.

The cause of this problem lies in the current situation of the housing market in our country. Aegon's research shows that virtually all young and old people today consider housing to be unaffordable. The high cost of housing reduces the budget for other necessary expenses.

More than half of young people aged 18 to 25 are experiencing anger, frustration, sadness and stress as a result of the housing shortage in the housing market. This is a worrisome situation, as a lost generation is at risk if adequate action is not taken.

Delaying important life steps has far-reaching consequences for young people. It hinders their personal growth, their sense of autonomy and their ability to build a stable family life. Young people dream of a place of their own, a place where they can settle down, where they can start a family and where they feel safe and at home. It is heartbreaking to see these dreams frustrated by the housing shortage.

Clearly, urgent action is needed to address these issues. There is a need for affordable and accessible housing for young people so that they can build their lives and fulfill their potential. The housing market must be reviewed and concrete measures taken to address the housing shortage.

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It is very important that sufficient investment be made in the construction sector, that more affordable rental housing be built, and that incentives be provided to support first-time buyers in the housing market. Only in this way can we avoid a lost generation whose opportunities and dreams are limited by the unaffordability of housing.

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