"What is this, by God!" PostNL delivery driver refuses to ride around in ridiculous Woke-LHBTI bus

| by Michael van der Galien

PostNL is one of the companies trying to force the Woke-Trans ideology down the throats of the Dutch. A lot of Dutch people let that happen. But fortunately there are still a few people - often immigrants, by the way - who have the courage to stand up to it.

So did a PostNL delivery driver who was horrified when confronted with a PostNL delivery bus in which he and his colleagues are supposed to carry packages across the country. He looked at it in amazement, walked around it, saw the colors and understood: this is Woke LGBT propaganda.

Finding this so ridiculous, the delivery man decided to make a video of it. You can see him standing in front of the van and filming it. The van with all the colors of the LGBT rainbow, including the famous trans color. Because apparently being transgender is also a sexuality these days.

"What is this?" the delivery driver logically asks. "By God, I wouldn't drive it if it made me a million euros. What is this bus, folks?"

Well, the answer, unfortunately, is quite simple: it is an LGBT propaganda bus from one of the most Woke companies in the Netherlands, PostNL. Indeed, PostNL has decided that it must play an active role in the globalist LGBT propaganda campaign. A campaign that deliberately aims to change not only people's thinking, but also their behavior (notice how more and more people suddenly identify as 'other-sexual').

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If there is to be large-scale resistance to this obvious indoctrination, it will have to come from the immigrant population. For the native population is mostly paralyzed, weak, and too often made so fearful that they are afraid to criticize this movement for fear of "canceling" and other actions.

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