Video! Leftist protester finds Wilders the new Hitler: 'Hitler also came to power through democracy'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Video! Leftist protester finds Wilders the new Hitler: 'Hitler also came to power through democracy'

Left-wing lunatics are now so deranged, are now freaking out, that they are publicly shouting that Geert Wilders is a second Hitler. So it's not "just" accusations of racism and discrimination. No. He is a second Hitler. A new Hitler. It's terrifying, because we all know what conclusions ánother left-wing nutcases will draw from that.

There have been all these left-wing lunatics taking to the streets every day for the past few days to "demonstrate against the election results." That's a little crazy in a democracy, but that doesn't concern these types at all. After all, if the democratic vote produces a result with which they disagree, they just think democracy is bad.

Case in point. The Telegraph visited one such demonstration. An older man, who should be at an age of wisdom, was asked why he was demonstrating. I mean, the result is clear. The people have spoken.

Well, this man explained, he doesn't think all that much of that about democracy. "Hitler also came to power through democracy," said the radical-left protester. "We live in a democracy."

Yes, we do. Indeed we do. And apparently, as far as this gentleman is concerned, that is precisely the problem. The old Stalinists are back: democracy is dangerous because democracy produces outcomes that they on the left do not support.

"You're not really going to compare Geert Wilders to Adolf Hitler now, are you?" The Telegraph journalist asked in response.

"Yes, why not?" was the leftist creep's reply. Wilders is as bad as a man who had some 6 million Jews murdered in concentration camps, who had Gypsies slaughtered, who persecuted and slaughtered homosexuals, who sent believing Christians to camps, put them through hell, and then had them killed as well.... That is really what this gentleman says.


Call to violence

Because we live in a democracy, this man has the right to make this comparison. I am in favor of virtually unlimited freedom of speech. But at this point we need to start thinking seriously about what we actually think about this. Comparing someone so emphatically to Hitler - the person Hitler, not "just" as a Nazi in general, but really as that brutal dictator - can also be seen as a disguised call to violence.

(Article continues below this call) At DDS, we stand up for our traditions, for our values, and for our people. And we are fighting for a country where leftist creeps are exposed and lose their influence. Do you support this cause? Then help us! Donate to DDS via BackMe and help us take on the radical left, the globalists and the Wokies every day!

After all, surely we've all been asked at some point (at school or elsewhere), 'If you could go back in time, and meet Hitler when he was a teenager, what would you have done? Would you have 'accidentally' pushed him off a building or something, or would you have left him alone? Very many people then naturally answer, "Yes, I would have taken him out of the way, even if that would have earned me a severe punishment. Because sacrificing your own future in exchange for protecting millions - tens of millions, even - of innocent others is a fair price.

Therefore, what people like this say is literally life-threatening. And they still think it's normal too.

Read more about:
Politics PVV Geert Wilders

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