Rutte's latest Woke project: 'Name change for descendants of slaves gets easier'

Michael van der Galien

Michael van der Galien

Rutte's latest Woke project: 'Name change for descendants of slaves gets easier'

The cabinet has decided that it should be made easier for "descendants of slaves" to change their names. Until now, they then always had to take a psychological test to show that they were really suffering because their current surname came from slavery and they were really suffering a lot because of this. That will now be different.

At NPO, of course, they love it. So NPO Radio 1 devoted an entire item to it. It talks to Delano Hankers who, however, allows himself to be called Kofi Ogun. "Kofi is the day name for Friday, for men born on Friday. And Ogun is a river that flows through Nigeria, but it's also a mythical figure in West African civilization. This is someone who makes his way through the jungle," he said.

But, of course, the whole story is somewhat crazy. Yes, people should be able to change their names. But that applies to everyone. The idea that a man like Ogun - that's what we'll call him, although his name hasn't been officially changed yet because the law change Rutte wants is not yet in effect - is suffering because his ancestors were slaves and who were given a surname by their slave owners is natural ridiculous lunacy.

If Ogun suffers from that, he should get checked out. And yes, the same goes for the rest of the "descendants of slaves" (who, by the way, also often have blood from slave owners, but that's entirely beside the point).

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By the way, ordinary Dutch people often have last names they were forced to take - last names made up by officials when last names were introduced. Until then, their last name was their father's first name. "Jan Folkertszoon," for example. That was made into a surname only because the authorities required it, not because those people wanted it. And if people themselves did not come up with a good proposal, then the authorities made something of it and, done, the surname of ordinary people was a given. If they would just accept that.

Anyway, that is, of course, entirely beside the point. What's most important is that a) it should be easy for anyone to change the name and b) it's utterly ludicrous to assume that people living today are suffering appalling trauma because their ancestors were given a name by their slave owners. Stop it. So again, this distinction between "descendants of slaves" and ordinary Dutch people is absurd.

Read more about:
Racism Mark Rutte Slavery

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